Health Screening
Blood pressure checks ( including manual checks)
Pulse Rate
O2 Level monitoring
Drugs of Abuse checks (urine & hair)
Body Mass Index calculations
Urine testing - urine 10 dipstick analysis.
Respiratory function testing
Cotinine / nicotine exposure
Blood sugars - glucose monitoring
Cholesterol checking
Health fairs
Phlebotomy services - blood taking & lab testing (24- 72 hrs)
Liver Function, FBC, U&E Bloods
(results processed by diagnostic lab)
Weight management
Fitness and personal well-being advice
Sickness management
Occupational Health - management referrals
Spirometry testing
Audiology testing
Insurance assessments
Ergonomic & Posture solutions
Vision & eyesight testing
Fitness to drive assessments
Working at Heights
VDU & workstation assessments
Health coaching
Train Driver Assessments
HGV Run up Assessments
Forklift Truck Driver Assessments
Plant equipment operator
Minibus driver Assessements
COSHH Asessments
Solvents & Skin checks
Toxicology testing
Musculosketal disorder prevention
Face fit testing
Ergonomic Assessments
Harvard Step Test
ECG Monitoring
Employee Development and Advice programmes - Individually produced to match the needs of the worker